COULEUR : ARGENT  .008 hex

Biodegradable Glitter is made from sustainably sourced eucalyptus tree cellulose.  It can degrade in nature within several months and is deemed “Ocean Safe.” This is the glitter that shows the least harmful impact on the environment and is the best option, particularly when you (or your clients) feel that the glitter waste may end up in public waterways.

litter is packaged by volume in jars/bottles, as glitter weights vary depending on the fluffiness of the glitter.

15g glass bottles hold approximately 10g of ultra-fine glitter.

Glitter gels created with bio-degradable glitters will not have a long shelf life. We recommend mixing your own glitter gels in small quantities, as-needed.

Glitters are made from compostable/ biodegradable cellulose from eucalyptus or corn plants.

With the idea of eco-friendliness and sustainability in mind, we have put a lot of thought into packaging this line of glitter. We have chosen containers which are close-out containers from other companies and are recyclable or reusable. Bio Glitter is currently packaged in recyclable glass bottles, with 100% recycled labels.

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Zodiac Gold Sylver – Ultra Fine Holographic

  • 10.25$